Meet Katie

Katie Varvel is a loving wife and mother living in Richmond, Indiana. She enjoys spending time with her family and watching her son play t-ball. In 2010 she was diagnosed with Goodpasture's syndrome.

Goodpasture's syndrome is a rare autoimmune disease that is treatable, but not curable. After an aggressive treatment Katie went into remission, but unfortunately not before severe damage had been done to her kidneys, leaving her with less than 10% kidney functionality.

Now Katie must undergo regular dialysis treatment while waiting for a kidney transplant.

This site is dedicated to spreading awareness of Goodpasture's syndrome and kidney failure. Help spread the word, and find a kidney for Katie!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Exciting News!

The past month has been one filled with good news for Katie. Three weeks ago she welcomed her first nephew to the world and is looking forward to spending more time with him in the weeks to come. She is also awaiting the arrival of her first niece in November!

Katie finished the required dental work last week, and was informed today that her case would be taken to the review board so that she can be put on the transplant list! Katie said that this was the best news she has received in quite some time, and she is "ready to kiss that machine goodbye!" Katie continues to do dialysis three times a week, but is very excited about the possibility of receiving a transplant in  the now-foreseeable future.

Katie has type A blood, and the waiting list for a deceased donor is typically 3.5-4 years. If anyone is interested in seeing if they are a match and could be a living donor, the Transplant Coordinator for Katie Varvel at IU Transplant can be reached at 1-800-382-4602. Feel free to call anytime, Monday - Friday 8a.m.-4p.m.